Helping you to meet your sustainability goals
Audit preparation
I help companies to prepare for external audits against social and environmental standards. This includes:
Assessing your current level of performance against the standard and creating a bespoke corrective action plan to address any identified areas of non-conformance
Helping you to develop the right policies and other documentation to meet the requirements of the standard
Providing hands on support all the way through your certification journey
Supply chain due diligence and responsible business practices
Customers, consumers and other stakeholders are increasingly holding companies to account on key issues such as human rights, labour practices and the environment. This not only includes greater scrutiny on the business practices of individual companies, but also on how these companies manage social and environmental impacts in their supply chains. I help companies, both small and large, to establish responsible business practices and implement effective due diligence systems to ensure that they can meet the growing expectations of their stakeholders. This includes helping you to:
Develop policies and codes of conduct
Implement robust procedures and ESG management systems
Perform supply chain risk assessments
Implement effective measures to address potential and actual adverse impacts in your supply chain (includes alignment of systems with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance)
Communicate your sustainability practices to external stakeholders
Standards development
Voluntary sustainability standards help to address many of the worlds social and environmental challenges by driving and incentivising businesses to improve their sustainability performance. I have extensive experience in the development and review of sustainability standards based on the ISEAL Alliance Codes of Good Practice. I am able to support standard setting organisations throughout the entire standard setting and revision process, which includes:
Identifying the scope and aims of a standard
Standard design
Stakeholder engagement and consultation
Development of standard guidance and supporting implementation tools
Development of auditor training materials and tools
Standard revision